Sunday, January 17, 2010

Caleta Partida 1-10-10 to 1-12-10

Meeting of the local mafia.

I have taken to photographing rocks, shells, and driftwood that would otherwise end up in my garden. That is if I had a garden that wasn't being rented out with our house, if it wasn't illegal to take things from this National Sanctuary, not to mention if there was enough room for more nick nacks on the boat.

View of the bay near the divide between Isla Espritu Santo and Isla Partida, which is the Northern most island.

Jesse's Girl


I'm used to herons that are not so skid-dish. These are truly wild creatures though, unlike the herons that live in the city, seeing people all the time. You can only get this close and then they are squawking shrilly with their odd eerie voices.

Great Blue Heron

Some of our anchorage neighbors dropped by to trade galley fixings and stories of the open ocean.

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