Thursday, January 14, 2010

1-7-10 through 1-9-10 Ensenada Gallo

We headed for the next bay called Puerto Ballena which consists of 3 lobes. We weren't in a hurry so although the trip was less than an hour including anchoring we arrived at about 3 pm. Alicia paddled up in the kayak and the evenings plans were arranged in 3 minutes.

She paddled to Windward Star to round up the gang and then picked up Alfredo and the fish he had speared. Then the inhabitants of On Verra and Windward Star came over to Jesse's Girl for cocktail hour that turned into 4 hours. Everyone was having fun so we stayed up late. Well, late for cruisers, for some reason the time is different here and you get tired sooner than normal, even for night owls.
Left to right: Christine, moi, Alicia, Alfredo, Evan.

Next morning it was Happy Birthday Jesse time. Alicia and Alfredo dropped by a fish first thing before they left for the next anchorage. Alicia does the paddling while Alfredo spears the fish.
Trigger Fish

Ewww trigger teeth!

Before Jesse's birthday I had taunted him with this present for a week and made him wait until the 8th (he tried several times to open it early).

Midday, while Jesse had a birthday nap, I went out to kayak and take pictures.

Doing the check it out kinda thing.

Going my way?

Caught you smiling.

Kicking back in tow.

Okay I know this is cheating but I should photoshop Jesse and I in on the beach.


Doug and Carla Scott said...

Love the posts and pixs. You have been a very busy girl!

Richard Frankhuizen said...

Great photographs