Monday, December 7, 2009

October 26th 2009, The Start of the Race!

We made it! Jesse, Judy and Michael's first Ha Ha!

We had a less than ostentatious start with the water pump breaking and several hose connections failing. Thank you, Michael for installing the new pump and making new hose clamps for the leaky ones with our handy clamp creation tool. He was speedy too he was done by the time Jesse had the boat ready to shove off and we made it to the pre-race parade just on time!

Kipsa has a bad habit of investigating any hatch, compartment, or cabinet left open. Well, he's nosy about what people are doing too. (For those interested in such things, notice the water maker install).

Leaving the fairway of our old marina it was time for an Eskimo nuzzle and big grins that we got the hell out of Dodge!

Tuling around with the parade boats.

Judy and I were clicking away on the cameras. Thanks for the help in recording this wonderful trip, Judy! And for helping with the blog by sharing photos!

We were lucky to have some of or Gate 11 friends come and see us off. Looking good Ben!

Providence formerly of Alameda is now based out of San Diego. They were going to do the Ha Ha but ultimately decided to sit this year out. They were there to see us all off though.


Time put the Genekker up. I took the helm, Judy trimmed and ran the halyard, Jesse and Michael worked the fore deck.

Evergreen (foreground) is home to more fellow Alameda, Gate 11 peeps, Dennis, Carol, and their son Josh.

Digging in the workroom was a bit of a feat as it is about 5 1/2 feet deep and was about as full as it can possibly get.

Rigging hand lines for fishing.

Los Corondos...the adventure continues next post...

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